
this playlist of posts is now set to shuffle.
i save the entries to my hard drive as i write them, and i post them when i feel it appropriate -- not necessarily in the order they were written.

the result, dear reader, is intended to entertain and confuse you.

get fucked.

i mean, thank you.


she makes me write poetry

I watch her eyelids like they were the horizon, waiting for the sunrise 
  to shine brightly with vivid blues and browns and greens.

They emerge and find me, and she smiles at me.

I smile back and I kiss her.

The kiss is like oxygen 
  dissolving into my blood,
  spreading through my body, 
  driven by my pounding heart.

I immediately breathe her in again, and again.

And again.

One more, and then I hold my breath again,
  and wait
  for the sun to rise again.


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