this playlist of posts is now set to shuffle.
i save the entries to my hard drive as i write them, and i post them when i feel it appropriate -- not necessarily in the order they were written.
the result, dear reader, is intended to entertain and confuse you.
get fucked.
i mean, thank you.
Last night I dreamt that I was visiting a friend in the hospital. She was sitting in her bed wearing the rag doll outfit they give you and waiting to go in for surgery. While she was sitting up and talking, she looked like she'd seen better days. We were sitting and talking and I was trying to calm her as much as I was trying to calm myself.
Somewhere in here the usual dream stuff happens where one or two non sequitur things appear, and then another 2 or 3, until there's a whole freak parade marching through my mind. Stuff such as talking penguins, fire breathing midgets, floating marshmallow cereal pieces, or rainbow colored water dripping from the ceiling. In moderation, these things typically provide a colorful background atmosphere for the events going on, but I guess my subconscious mind feels that things are moving too slow because I'm getting washed away by a flood of these ridiculous characters.
I look up to see that two nurses are leading my friend out the door for her operation. There's no way I can fight through this crowd of freaks, so I grab a Sharpie marker and scribble a note on the palm of my hand. It says "I Do [Big Heart] You". I call out to her and reach out my hand.
She reads the note and suddenly without explanation the parade is gone and its just us and the male nurses, and she runs to me and hugs me. And she looks at me and says "Oh [me], I can't believe it." She kisses me and says "when I get out, we've got some catching up to do" before being led away by the nurses.
I watch her go and then its just me alone in the room feeling like absolute shit because when I said "i love you" i didn't mean "i'm in love with you".
Its the real world now. The parade of freaks have been replaced by retards.
But I'm amazed how I'm still able to remember this dream.
One thing occurs to me that hadn't occured to me when I was dreaming. Why did they send two really big male nurses to lead my friend away? One would have easily sufficed. Plus most nurses I've ever seen in a hospital were women, and the male nurses aren't usually built like football players.
What kind of hospital were we in?
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